Thursday, November 15, 2007


The reason why we are present
The reason why we ponder
The reason why we live
The reason why we wander
The reason why we love
The reason why we hate
The reason why we fear
this fear we must abate.

Borna day it survives in our memory
conformed by society
to believe in a system
one that may be false
yet we believe it to be true.

The reason for celebration i do not understand
fearing society, many make a stand
not one among those am i
but yet following a dream
seeking not happiness and joy
but the knowledge to understand what it is.

A break from conformity, rhetory is what we desire
i hope today looking at the world you will ponder
as to why we smile and sing
dance and rejoice
and celebrate this occasion of birth
breaking conformity and joining the crowd
I wish you....