Thursday, December 27, 2007


Change is what turns the world
change my heart i dare not
the life of soul or soul of life
is lost on the last of the pack.

I, am confused
my words make no sense
my actions speak unto itself
my world becomes a lollipop
of which my heart becomes the core.

Change is inevitable, people say
but, what about my heart, when do i have my say?
pay.. pay ... pay
pay through my nose
for the million times i have hurt others,
pay.. pay... pay
pay the price of change

Change! my life is gone...

Thursday, November 15, 2007


The reason why we are present
The reason why we ponder
The reason why we live
The reason why we wander
The reason why we love
The reason why we hate
The reason why we fear
this fear we must abate.

Borna day it survives in our memory
conformed by society
to believe in a system
one that may be false
yet we believe it to be true.

The reason for celebration i do not understand
fearing society, many make a stand
not one among those am i
but yet following a dream
seeking not happiness and joy
but the knowledge to understand what it is.

A break from conformity, rhetory is what we desire
i hope today looking at the world you will ponder
as to why we smile and sing
dance and rejoice
and celebrate this occasion of birth
breaking conformity and joining the crowd
I wish you....

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The mirror

The darkness begins to set in

The blinds begin to unfurl

As I am left to myself

Abandoned by all those who term themselves my friends.

The value of the light of friendship goes unappreciated

Repent does everyone when

They begin to fear.

Fear… fear… what do people fear

I fear fear,

Every man fears what he does not understand,

I fear the darkness.

Death is the light at the end

Of a dark road.

But I cannot wait for death,

Plodding along the darkness inside of me,

I have lost sight of myself,

Become numb.

Thick is the darkness, too thick

To be penetrated by any external light.

I want to be an outsider to myself

And then judge myself,

Not be one who passes judgment on himself without observing him and

Understanding what he feels

A mirror would be the best gift I can get.

Not any mirror, but one that

Is illuminated by a light

The light of realization

I want to look at myself in the mirror in the darkness.

As the light spreads the darkness

Inside absorbing the very essence of

Joy, anger, fear developing beyond

The point of human demarcation and

The focus on one still remains

Love, the true source of joy if

At all it exists

The source of warmth if there

Is cold

The source of brightness if

There is dark

Yet a contradiction to all the above

As I gaze into those dreamy eyes

I realize the true source

Love in nothingness

A vacuum

A vacuum of love.

The pest

Eggs laid in all weird places

Drains, ditches and more

Slowly the young one’s break out

To brave the world

A world filled with hungry people

Yet here are few who never go hungry

Jeans, wood, plastic

Everything as delicious as vanilla ice- cream

They live for themselves and only for them

How very similar to our modern lives

While a nuclear bomb would kill us

The cockroach still survives


As the day dawns

The dew on the grass glitters

The sun sparkles through the rooftops

The birds begin to chirp

The squirrels begin their search

The snake begins to crawl

The flowers bloom

The clouds begin to move

The trees begin to sway

The dew is washed away

This is the awakening of the animal

The animal we call the human

The cloud bursts

Trees fall

Flowers wither

But the sun still shines

A symbol of hope

All that’s left of our beautiful home


A virgin beach

A sandbank covered with coconut trees

Swaying gently to the wind

Telling the tale of change

Each sway ticking time off

The eternal clock of hope.

A rush, a whoosh and down falls

A coconut, hard and fibrous, yet soft and gentle,

I watch it slowly roll down the sandy slope

With a gentle splash it enters

It enters the oblivion of the vast ocean

I watch it bobbing in the distance

As it slowly fades into the horizon,

As a speck of hope in the horizon disappears

Another falls and begins its seemingly long and inconsequent journey…

The coconuts move on

So does time

But I still stand there

Refusing to accept oblivion

Refusing to accept change

Slowly the coconut trees are outnumbered

The coconuts reduce

The silence pierced by whirring noises made by man

One last coconut falls

And with it fades the hope for man

As the noises continue

Few realize…

The alarm has begun to ring.


Time wears on

Seconds tick

Hearts beat

Bees buzz

Lizards crawl

Snakes slither

Flowers bloom

Mangoes ripen

Children awaken

Lions roar

Seeds germinate

Man rises

Builds memories

Develops paths

To what?

Hunger… poverty

Misery… illiteracy

War… sadness


And still

The only

Thing we

Still do


In the misery

In the poverty

In the hunger

Breed prosperity, hunger

Breed dependence, hatred

Breed Humanity

Monday, April 16, 2007


the following are my thoughts on semiotics... this is one field which interests me a jus my random thoughts again
Literally meaning the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretations. The field of semiotics is not one, which is very popular in India. Since time immemorial humans have always sought to understand our surroundings and to identify the true purpose of its existence. Only a few people however, are aware of the existence of a field such as semiotics. The importance of semiotics comes out in nearly all the fields ranging from finance to advertising, social psychology to nuclear physics. Although it may not land the pursuer of the course directly into a job, it holds great promise, especially with respect to many of the new and emerging fields in India such as linguistics, language analysis, and also content analysis that is emerging as a very popular method of research.

Academically there are not many institutions that offer courses in semiotics, but a few certificate courses in semiotics are available in and around Bangalore. For those who wish to go abroad to pursue this course there are a few options available, Victoria University in the University of Toronto is one of the popular places where this course can be pursued.
if anyone is aware of any other places which offer courses or other options available, i would appreciate it if you shared the information with me


Sunday, April 15, 2007


This blog was made so i would have an outlet to all my irrational thoughts and ideas and also get others opinions on them. In an attempt to discover the inner meaning or the essence of the true soul, many of us phase out of the "noticed". This phasing out is what bothers me, as it is human nature to ponder on every aspect of our existence and also to find new problems to deal with. Even though not admitted, all of us are cynics of our own accord.

Fear is a feature of man that is absolutely essential, one that drives us form within to do what we do, to be what we are. But the concept of fear by itself is not very clear. i beleive people fear what they do not understand. As a student i am exposed to a variety of cultures and a variety of viewpoints, which help me formulate my own opinions and views on everything around us.

There is an urge in me to breakdown everyting i percieve around me into their basic components and to try and figure out their essence. Unorthodoxity is something which is feared by many, as they do not understand what they are trying to think,which leads me to a very interesting question, why do people think. If fear drives us to perform along with other elements, then why the gift of the intellectual faculty which people are afraid to utilise??

looking forward to your feedback so i can continue my pursuit of irrationalism