Thursday, December 4, 2008

Coconuts in the train

Oh train! Oh train!

Why hast thou not blessed me with thy divine stink?

And thy melancholy sound?

I miss thee already.

Oh train! Oh train!

Why have I not been able to see thy plushly littered seats?

Why have I not heard thee groan and growl yet?

Oh train! Oh train!

Is thy engine acting like thy bane?

Oh train! Oh train!

Why dost thy departments have announcements, when you have not arrived?

Art thou looking for thy siblings who survive?

I need a place to pee,

Wilt thou not release me?

If thou dost not, thy department will be flooded,

And the coconuts thou hast been transporting

Will be carried away by the endless tides of shame.

Ah! train! Blessed you are

for the coconuts have come home.

Monday, April 28, 2008

A different one from the rest

This is for all those who thought me incapable of writing happy stuff :)

Looking beyond the clutter of trees,
i see a light,
shimmering like the sun through a prism
a prism of diamonds,
a melancholy tune,
one that haunts for ever,
a tune of joy,
a tune of ecstasy,
one that i hear everytime i close my eyes
one that keeps me at peace
at one with the larger whole.
One that lets me belong without demanding,
Finally a tune that spills the music of my soul
a tune of silence.

The silence that keeps the world smiling,
The silence that transcends all emotions
The silence that means everything
and yet means nothing.

It is the silence that makes me smile.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Change is what turns the world
change my heart i dare not
the life of soul or soul of life
is lost on the last of the pack.

I, am confused
my words make no sense
my actions speak unto itself
my world becomes a lollipop
of which my heart becomes the core.

Change is inevitable, people say
but, what about my heart, when do i have my say?
pay.. pay ... pay
pay through my nose
for the million times i have hurt others,
pay.. pay... pay
pay the price of change

Change! my life is gone...

Thursday, November 15, 2007


The reason why we are present
The reason why we ponder
The reason why we live
The reason why we wander
The reason why we love
The reason why we hate
The reason why we fear
this fear we must abate.

Borna day it survives in our memory
conformed by society
to believe in a system
one that may be false
yet we believe it to be true.

The reason for celebration i do not understand
fearing society, many make a stand
not one among those am i
but yet following a dream
seeking not happiness and joy
but the knowledge to understand what it is.

A break from conformity, rhetory is what we desire
i hope today looking at the world you will ponder
as to why we smile and sing
dance and rejoice
and celebrate this occasion of birth
breaking conformity and joining the crowd
I wish you....

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The mirror

The darkness begins to set in

The blinds begin to unfurl

As I am left to myself

Abandoned by all those who term themselves my friends.

The value of the light of friendship goes unappreciated

Repent does everyone when

They begin to fear.

Fear… fear… what do people fear

I fear fear,

Every man fears what he does not understand,

I fear the darkness.

Death is the light at the end

Of a dark road.

But I cannot wait for death,

Plodding along the darkness inside of me,

I have lost sight of myself,

Become numb.

Thick is the darkness, too thick

To be penetrated by any external light.

I want to be an outsider to myself

And then judge myself,

Not be one who passes judgment on himself without observing him and

Understanding what he feels

A mirror would be the best gift I can get.

Not any mirror, but one that

Is illuminated by a light

The light of realization

I want to look at myself in the mirror in the darkness.