Thursday, December 4, 2008

Coconuts in the train

Oh train! Oh train!

Why hast thou not blessed me with thy divine stink?

And thy melancholy sound?

I miss thee already.

Oh train! Oh train!

Why have I not been able to see thy plushly littered seats?

Why have I not heard thee groan and growl yet?

Oh train! Oh train!

Is thy engine acting like thy bane?

Oh train! Oh train!

Why dost thy departments have announcements, when you have not arrived?

Art thou looking for thy siblings who survive?

I need a place to pee,

Wilt thou not release me?

If thou dost not, thy department will be flooded,

And the coconuts thou hast been transporting

Will be carried away by the endless tides of shame.

Ah! train! Blessed you are

for the coconuts have come home.